
· People will do 80% (but probably closer to 50%!) of what you do.

· The field teaches us how to connect with people.

· The better I am in the field, the better I will train, teach and recruit.

· This is how we learn to make an impact on another person.

· What kind of team do you want to have, do you have those habits yourself?


· Atmosphere is where we create a winning team.

· We have an hour a day to have all the conversations we need to have to set our team up for success.

· Work harder in atmosphere than we do in the field.

· We make an impact on every person in the room – make sure it’s a good one!

· Be a thermostat, not a thermometer.

· Morning - 80% training 20% fun.

· Evening - 20% training 80% fun.


· It takes 100 new starts to find 10 true business partners.

· The number of business partners you have in your crew is more important than how many people you have in your team.

· Pitch – How well can I explain the business I’m building? Learn from new AO and top owners.

· Pace – How many people do I explain my business to? (5-10 people per week)

· Attitude – How do people feel when I’m talking to them? Am I excited about what I’m talking about? Do I look like a business owner? Do I have a compelling vision of the future?