The Golden Rule: “Know one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
- Be a good listener. Be approachable, personable and available.
- Be consistent and treat everyone equally.
- Be honest and sincere. People respect the truth.
- Choose your words carefully. Be generous with praise, when deserved. Be constructive with criticism.
- Dress, act and speak professionally. Never forget that you are setting an example. The respect given is largely based on how you are perceived.
- Always be in control of your attitude and emotions.
- Admit to your mistakes without being overly apologetic. Always let it be known that you are working on getting better.
- Be a team player; be able to support ideas with which you don’t always agree. Every decision has some positive value or intent.
- Seek advice and recognize the value of other points of view.
- Always offer and solicit solutions instead of dwelling on
- Be punctual, it shows your dedication…Never be late for a meeting.
- Always follow through, keep your word.
- Avoid gossip and instead encourage intelligent conversation.
- Outline your core values and make sure your online presence aligns with them
- Google yourself, review your social media and delete anything that doesn’t match your brand
- Create a strong, professional LinkedIn profile
- Be weary of what you post-content and photos: what would your interviews see if they Google you?