- Be dressed, on time and ready for atmosphere.
- Professional - suits, ties, shoes - no trainers or jeans
- Notepads (or tablet) at all times - no notes on phones
- No drinks in atmosphere (except water but take with you when you leave)
- With a plan and enthusiastic
- If early to atmosphere do the following:
- Review your goals
- Watch a TDT video
- Read through the pitch
- Say pitch out loud 10X
- Work hard to improve yourself without having to be forced.
- Be serious, this is YOUR career. You develop only by doing your best.
- No politics, no complaining, no criticizing, no jealousy, no excuses.
- Earn the respect of all through your attitude and work ethic.
- Don’t leave atmosphere without permission
- You can’t get great without practice
- Take what you’re doing seriously
- When you hear “Hey guys!” stop what you’re immediately and give whoever called it your undivided attention
- Only owners or those with permission can shout “hey guys!”
- Have urgency to each task, move quickly to get your things, circle up for meetings, and leave for the field.