“As you can see based on the interview process so far it’s pretty fast, what separates candidates that are equally qualified is availability. If things were to go well, when is your soonest start date?”

ASAP: “What does that mean to you, for our clients that means that means 2 weeks ago. That’s one bullet in our favour, the selected candidate we will be starting straight away. The next orientation is on DATE, that’s what’s going to happen for successful candidates.”

Puts them in decision making mode not window shopping mode

Still working, notice period: If they’re working find out the situation

“Great no problem. Are you working full time/part time/evenings? Does the company you are working for now know you’re looking to leave? (Let them answer)

When you told them you were leaving what did they do to retain your services? Did they offer you more money, a higher position/promotion - anything like that? (Let them answer, most people babble on but the answer is usually no)…. so nothing then? If things don’t work out somewhere else, do you plan on going back there? (Let them answer)

The reason I’m asking those questions is because if it does come down to you and another candidate someone’s start date is a real determining factor. If your current work place didn’t offer you anything to stay, and you wouldn’t go back, seeing the situation could this be flexible?”

Relocating: “That’s all good, you can take all the time in the world, but our clients don’t care. So this does come down to recommendations, so if you had to put a date to it what would you say?”


I want to see if anything changes, it shows the barometer of they’re excitement (if it changes or stays same).

Same: “Great stuff”

Change: “When we spoke about this before you said as soon as possible, you’re now saying a couple of days. In my experience that usually means there’s a concern, so what’s yours?”